Weekly Nugget: Knocking at the door of opportunity

Hi friend, 

Here is a short poem I wrote to encourage you to take new and bold action in your life. Especially in a direction that doesn’t seem all worked out yet but where you sense, there is a possibility.

This poem is a medicine for analysis-paralysis where one does not move until one is sure that everything will work out. The French explorer Andre Gide said, β€˜You cannot discover new worlds till you are willing to lose sight of familiar shores for a while.’

So here is the poem.

Knocking at the door of opportunity

Just knock at the door of opportunity.

Don't worry about the door opening or not opening.

Don't worry about entering the house in a hurry.

It is alright if you must wait a bit.

Nothing is ever guaranteed. No situation is permanent.

Be seductive, be provocative, be distinctive.

And just knock; make that call, email that person.

You have no idea what door might open or what might emerge.

Just to knock at the door of opportunity.

With care,
