Subject line: Weekly Nugget: Stop Running Away!


Going forward I'll be sending you these weekly nuggets that I think you might like. Here's the first of many to come. Enjoy and I’d be delighted to hear from you.


Hot take. DON’T quit your job or move away.

Stop running away from your current situation!

Instead, take full responsibility for your situation.

Disaster is a hidden source of power.

So many people come to me and say, β€œI want to quit my job, my boss sucks!” or β€œI want to move away. I hate my country, there's no opportunity for me here.” or β€œI hate my family!” and so on.

But here's a truth you may not want to hear: running away won't solve anything.

The way life works is that, what you run away from, is what you go running to.

Run from a β€œbad” job and I GUARANTEE you that in a couple months your new job will be equally bad or worse.

Stop trying to look for the perfect job, team, country, or family.

You play with the cards you are dealt. In accepting that there is a great power.

Successful people don't have the best of everything; they make the best of what they have.

Taking full responsibility for a situation doesn’t mean it's your fault, that you caused it, or that you have to do everything to fix it.

No. Taking full responsibility is simply a place to stand. A powerful place to stand; that's the opposite of being a victim. It is new beginning.

It is about being a cause in any matter and not being at the effect of it.

This is one of the most foundational things I help my clients with. Only when I see that they have taken full responsibility for their situation and are being powerful (and not victims) do I encourage them to move on and find something else.

So, I challenge you: confront your situation. Commit to making it work with every ounce of wisdom and resilience you've got. Take responsibility for your satisfaction. And I promise you that in doing so, you will unveil a newfound power within yourself, more potent than ever before.


If you are up against a situation at work and thinking about what to do, take on this free, short 20-minute webinar I’ve created. I promise that it will help you gain clarity about what next steps to take in your career.

After you have gone through this, you can schedule a free 60-minute strategy call with me, focused on you and designing your future.

So what do you say, ready to expand yourself at your work? Click here:

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