Subject Line: Weekly Nugget: Do you manage, or do you lead?


Trick question: Are you a manager or a leader? What's the difference anyway?

A BIG difference! MANAGEMENT is about producing stability, and LEADERSHIP is about disrupting stability.*

A manager's role is to ensure stable recurrence of action. When things go awry, or breakdowns occur, a manager steps in to resolve the situation and restore stability.

A leader's role, on the other hand, is to upset the norm. When things aren't working, a leader steps in to interrupt the cycle, produces the breakdown, and triggers change.

So the question isn't whether you're a MANAGER or a LEADER. Both skills are essential.

For example, suppose your marketing campaign isn't generating leads. Don't cling to it like a sinking ship. Break the recurrence. Declare the breakdowns. Gather to think. That's leadership.

On the other hand, suppose an important team member is out sick, and your work is stuck. Donโ€™t let the breakdown linger. Make calls, ask for help, get contractors, and keep the work moving. Thatโ€™s management.

What matters is recognizing when to uphold stability and when to provoke change.

Trying only to be a leader or a manager is like saying, I am only going to use a knife or a fork to eat my stake. Don't be a โ€œForkestโ€ or a โ€œKnifestโ€. You need both to enjoy a delicious meal.

It's not about choosing between being a manager or a leader.

It is about assessing who you need to be and when.

*Crediting Chauncey Bell who taught me this distinction.



Soon I will be launching an affordable career mastery program for early to mid-career professionals looking to get promotions, switching teams, landing their dream jobs, and so on. If you know someone who might be interested, let me know.

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