Subject Line: Weekly Nugget: An Offer You Can't Refuse

Dear friends,

This week, instead of the usual nugget, I have something far more important – an offer that could alter the course of your destiny.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Old formulas and skills for career growth are failing us. 

Old solutions, such as MBAs, management and executive courses, and consulting strategies from McKinsey and the like, are failing to prepare professionals and entrepreneurs to navigate the breakdowns and opportunities the new era is bringing. 

In the emerging era, the abilities to navigate breakdowns, be dynamic in the face of change, orchestrate moods, create allies, and mobilize action will differentiate winners from losers. If we are to thrive, we must develop a capacity for seeing opportunities by becoming curious, developing the mind of a new beginner, and learning to intervene and innovate in situations. 

To this end, we are launching The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) as a membership space where you will ongoingly expand your career and workplace navigation skill set, generating serious results. Whether you want to build alliances, get promoted, change roles, and/or launch your own thing, the skills learned in ELP will help you for life. 

Our mission is to build one of the world’s greatest networks of allies that have joined in the mission of unfolding their full potential and helping each other mobilize important missions. 

This is not just another BS management course; it's an adventure for those willing to undergo a serious transformation of perception and skill. 

The program offers two hours of weekly live interaction. This includes live conversation with me and small peer group discussions. 

Our first live call will be on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pacific time. 

The introductory monthly cost of this private community, $199, will be locked in for life for the first 100 participants, so join ASAP to reserve your spot. 

If you are someone who is constantly striving to go beyond, is unsettled with the status quo, and wants to realize the greatest possibility of your life, then this is for you. 

Click here to join ELP and unfold a new future for yourself. 


Join The Emerging Leaders Program & Expand Your Potential

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