Weekly Nugget: On Forgotten Walls

Hi friend, 

The worst thing we humans do is build walls and forget that we put them there in the first place.

When talking about walls, we are talking about stuck ideas or ultimate truths that we consider unquestionable.

We accept our assessments and other people’s truths as undisputable gospel on what’s possible and what’s not possible.

We often forget that walls can be moved, taken apart, and even demolished when they no longer serve us and benefit what really matters.

These perceptual walls are built, preserved, and rigidified in stories, metaphors, and sayings from the past that go unchallenged.

The world is much more malleable than we perceive it to be. And it is not as rigid and solid as we imagine. We trap our imagination in walls we or another human being built before us.

In breaking these perceptual walls, we find new possibilities.

Such a moment came for me recently when I let go of what I thought once was the “right way” of delivering my work.

In breaking my perceptual wall, I had the fantastic idea of building something with AI to help people develop skills to navigate relationships and work in the emerging era (more on this later).

So, if something isn’t working for you, take a look. What “wall” seems so solid that you must now demolish or move to make space for the new? What is the cost if you don’t do that? What’s possible if you do?

If this provokes something and you want to share, I’d be happy to hear it.

With care,
