Guidelines for Listing Education and Awards from Conceivian on LinkedIn

By Taking 3 Easy Actions

Action1. Add Conceivian under the Education section

Step 1 Add Education as a profile section

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile

  • Under your name, select “Add profile Selection”

  • Here you should see “add education” under “core”, select it

Step 2 Insert all the details and save it!

  • Under “School” search for Conceivian then select it from the list

  • Under “Degree” mention the course you are taking or finished, e.g. The Power Course or Emerging Leaders Program 101

  • Under “Field of Study” choose to ignore or use one of the following:

    • Transformative Entrepreneurship (for TPC participants)

    • Management & Leadership (for ELP participants)

  • Mention Start Date and End Date of your course, e.g. April 2021 to December 2021 for TPC grads or February 2023 to February 2023 for ELP 101 grads. If you are still in the course, leave end date open

  • Save your profile section

Now your course at Conceivian should show up under Education on your profile.

Action 3. Share your achievement with your network


  1. Start your post by sharing where you were in your career when you joined the course and what promoted you to join.

  2. Next, share something you learned and a major breakthrough you got through the course.

  3. Lastly, share what you are most grateful for and what’s to come now that you’ve graduated from TPC or ELP 101.

  4. Include a picture (PNG file sent to you in the graduation email) of your Certificate of Completion and/or something else that reflects your accomplishment, such as a photo from your graduation. If you don’t have the PNG file, contact the registrar.

An Example

“When I joined The Power Course one and a half years ago, I was really struggling at work. I had a hard time working well with my team, and I had no ambition to do better. I was really questioning what I was doing and if this was the right place for me. I felt lost and confused. I met Saqib at an event and joined TPC shortly after, as I was looking for help in my career, and It seemed like the right course.

What followed the next year and a half proved to be exactly what I needed. I learned how to characterize my bad moods about work and people and take responsibility for my own satisfaction. Something that seems so easy to do now, but I was totally blind to it before and was really missing. Not only am I in a much better place mentally and emotionally, but I am fulfilled at work and, as a consequence of my mood, got promoted from IC to manager 5 months ago.

But above all I am grateful for the community and friends I have made along the way. I would not be where I am right now if it were not for their continued support. Now that I’ve graduated, I plan to use all I’ve learned and become the best manager and leader I know how to be.

Action 2. List your award under Honors & Awards

Step 1 Add Honors & awards as a profile section

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile

  • Under your name, select “Add profile Selection”

  • Here you should see “Add honors & awards” under “Additional”, select it

Step 2 Insert all the details, save it!

  • Under “Title” write the name of your award e.g. Achievement Award or Changemakers Award for TPC grads.

  • Under “Associated with” select “Student at Conceivian” from the dropdown menu

  • Mention Issue date of your award, e.g. December 2022 for TPC grads.

  • Save your profile section

Now your award should show up under Honors & awards on your profile.