Expand Your Potential at Work:
Become A Distinctive Offer
Navigate Your Career Amidst Change With Clarity, Confidence, And Command
45-min Webinar: Learn The Skills to Transform Yourself, Transform Your Work & Career, and Mobilize Action
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Hi everybody, I am Saqib Rasool and today I will show you how to untrap yourself from the past, create a breakthrough in your work, career, and business, and in doing so, design a new future.
Especially if you are someone who has had some level of success before but now find yourself:
Working only to maintain the status quo
Feeling trapped by your current obligations
Yearning for more but hesitant to rock the boat
Losing a sense of purpose and drive
Uncertain about what next steps and direction to take
And wondering, “what is my calling and what else is there to do with my life?"
If any of that rings true, then this conversation is going to be a game changer for you.
This is not a motivational speech nor is it an attempt at therapy or giving you shortcuts for success. No. This conversation is about confronting the roadblocks that now keep you from seeing clearly, what really matters, what is worth investing the next few years of your life in, and what next actions to take. This conversation is about your potential, responding to your calling, and building your legacy.
You may have been successful in your life before. You may have even gotten all the pretty things that your heart desired at one time or another, but now you have some dissatisfaction and some anxiety about the future. This dissatisfaction and anxiety are actually your best friends, as they are the reminders of the shifting tides, and the opportunities therein. Your anxiety is a reminder of your potential and that you really don’t want to live a mummified life of routine. You want meaning behind your work. You want your work to matter, and you want to matter.
Now, you may be trying to deal with all this using what you know to be tried and true. Well let me tell you, unfortunately your past success taught you certain principles on how to move, but moving with those principles will no longer bring you deep satisfaction. Essentially, what has happened is that your past success gave you a certain identity and stability, and now you put in a lot of effort into maintaining that identity and stability, that does not let you go beyond. You are too hesitant to disrupt the balance, and you are working only to maintain the status quo. This keeps you stuck and spinning, without the breakthrough you need to go to the next level. Worst yet, you might even be self-medicating or distracting yourself with entertainment or overwork to cope with it all.
You already know this — we are currently living through the greatest era of unpredictability and change, that any of us have seen in our lifetime. The rules of engagement in all domains of life are changing, making old career and work formulas obsolete. You know that change is full of opportunity, and you may even be trying your best to take advantage of it. You may be doing everything you know to do, to make progress, like getting another degree, getting a motivational coach, starting a side project, trying to network with important people, or browsing tons of YouTube or LinkedIn for answers, but all these things will fall short of helping you. They won’t deliver the new clarity, new ambition, and deep joy that you are looking for. You are doing what you have known to work before, but ‘what got you here won’t get you there’. In trying everything you know, you might be getting resigned, that nothing new is going to happen, and you might think the best option, is to hold on to what you got while being afraid that it might slip away from your hands.
But before we go any further, I want to tell you who I am, and why you should listen to me.
Again, I am Saqib Rasool, a human potential researcher, and the Founder and CEO of Conceivian. I was born and raised in an upper middle-class family in Pakistan. At the age of 20 I moved to the US, did well in school, and landed my first job at Microsoft right out of college. I built a great career there, and invested in real estate on the side. My luck would have it, that I did extremely well, and after nearly 8 years, left to build my own startups. So far, my education, my experience, and my mentors, had taught me something about what it takes to be successful. Plan well, execute like crazy, and push through whatever gets in the way. These principles had after all gotten me through a lot and had contributed to my success. Right? But something was missing for sure as after the initial set of promotions, I remember, already, beginning to experience a glass ceiling at Microsoft. Instead of investigating this further, I left Microsoft and became an entrepreneur. In my first startups, I saw some success, and then suffered serious setbacks. I tried to recover using formulas, I had learned before, but did not really know what was missing or blocking me. My failures were not only financial. I lost my health, and my marriage too. When success came, I got drunk with power, and became selfish and arrogant, and when failures came, I did not know how to recover. I learned, Power gained only for the small self is not a sustainable power. When the pain of failure became unbearable, and the old formulas were not working anymore, I went searching for new thinking.
So, for a number of years, for my own growth, I pursued every teacher, and every author, that I found worth pursuing. I was lucky enough to meet and study with great mentors, like Fernando Flores, Chauncey Bell, and James McManis, who taught me skills for designing a powerful life, in the face of unpredictable change. I went to work, took different actions, and eventually recovered from my health and financial messes. I then committed myself to teaching others what I learned and became an executive coach. Once I was failed by success. Today, my ambition is to help leaders like you avoid the same mistakes I made, and help maximize your potential and power.
Now everything I have learned and taught, that have gone into changing the lives of hundreds of entrepreneurs and executives, I have put into a 1-year course. The Power Course is a one-of-a-kind process, for transforming yourself, your work, and your world. Today in this conversation, I am going to bring you, four foundational moves, from The Power Course, and if you listen carefully, and take these on, they will transform your capacity for action, and who you are as an offer. New opportunities will open up in your work, that you have never imagined before. These four foundational moves are:
Transformation of self, which is about Becoming a new beginner
Transformation of work, which is about Taking a stand.
Transformation of career, which is about Declaring your belonging
Transformation of language, which is about Mobilizing action
Now, I have to tell you, this is not your typical informational program, like most of the executive educational stuff that is out there. This is a highly selective 'transformational journey' guided by hybrid AI/human coaching, and if you're watching this, it means someone who believes in your potential, has personally invited you to it. All that is required of you is that you tune in, take this conversation seriously, and do the work that needs to be done.
Also if what you learn here makes sense, then I’ll invite you to explore studying closely with me and my team. I will say more about this towards the end of this session. But for now let us dive in. Shall we?
First Move
The first move is the transformation of self which is about becoming a new beginner and designing a kind of self that is not stuck but learning and expanding like crazy as you once did.
As I said earlier, the key roadblock that keeps you stuck, is that once upon a time, you learned something and based on that learning today you might have become a know-it-all. I don't mean to insult you. And I’m sure that you know a lot. But there is a difference between knowing a lot and knowing it all. In being a know-it-all you apply your old knowledge and perception to new challenges, so instead of dynamically learning and expanding, you are just matching what comes to you with what you already know. So you are trapped in the castle of your past knowledge. You are failing to be a new beginner. And this mood is blocking you from learning what you must learn to deal with the situation. Well, so, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that in this know-it-all condition, you can ride on the wave of your past successes, but you are unlikely to do anything significant going forward. The good news is that this is not a permanent condition.
For the fact that you've made it this far in this conversation, and you're still listening, means that you have a new possibility of learning and expanding again. But to realize this possibility, you need to make a very special move that I'm going to help you make today. And I promise you that as soon as you make this move, you're going to feel new energy, and you're going to have new clarity. So here it is.
To produce a remarkable shift, your first move is to take responsibility for some dissatisfaction you have in some area, and own it. By owning it, you begin to produce a possibility for something new to happen. So pick an area of your life or a situation where you would like to create a new future for yourself.
If you find yourself at a loss or confused about what situation to pick, then it is likely that the situation is so obvious and close to you, that you can’t see it, OR you don’t want to acknowledge its existence as an issue. To have an issue with something, you need some courage. And this is a safe place to practice this courage. So, declare for yourself what present situation is unacceptable to you, where you would like to have a new outcome. It could be specific or a broad area of concern or ambition, relating to your work, business, or career, or anything else for that matter.
Now if you want to go beyond where you are in this situation, and you want more power and instant clarity, set aside what you know about the situation to be absolutely true, and declare yourself a new beginner in this issue. Say to yourself, “In this matter, I am ready to be a new beginner, and I am ready to learn something, that I may have never learned before.”
As soon as you begin to make this move, something that could happen right away is that a small voice could show up whispering in your ear, “but I am not new to this. I know how to deal with this situation and although I might be stuck I am sure I'll figure something out eventually.” But maybe what you know ain’t so, and maybe so far with a great deal of confidence you have been making a mess of the situation, and hurting yourself and others in the process. When you declare yourself a new beginner, you put an end to the mess-making business. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing, expecting different results. So you want to decline the invitation of this little voice and begin to give yourself some room for exploration.
By doing that, a certain ease can begin to show up, inviting curiosity, intrigue, and even some joy. In the mood of a new beginner, you are no longer burdened with having to have the right answer right up front. Your identity is no longer at stake for knowing exactly what to do. Your new identity of a self-declared beginner gives you a place to stand and space to move.
You look for help, mentors, teachers, allies, and voices that can shine NEW LIGHT on what’s going on. If you try to search for more information in the mood of already-an-expert, you are likely to ignore anything that you disagree with. On the other hand, in the mood of a new beginner, you become curious again. You can locate and listen to voices that you wouldn't otherwise. Agreement and disagreement do not matter much because you are now ready to learn something new that you haven’t before.
Only as a new beginner can you have the humility to take a mentor. In conversations with a mentor, you can explore what actions to take next. Already-an-expert can have advisors and consultants sprinkling bits of information, but not a mentor who can open a new perspective.
The old saying “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” has some merit. Perhaps the teacher was always there but now the student is paying attention. If you fail to be a new beginner and continue to act like, “I know, I know”, you’ll keep making the same mistakes and the same messes that you are already making, and your action oriented nature is bound to take you in the wrong direction. When you declare for yourself that you don't need to have a perfect plan to have it all figured out, you can begin a new journey.
Second Move
Ok, so in the mood of a new beginner, let us now go to the second move that is the transformation of work, which is about taking a stand and redefining what we consider to be our work. As modern human beings, we have come to think of work as a form of slave labor, an indentured servitude. We work because the boss-man or the boss-lady pays us so we do whatever he or she tells us. We have come to accept work as a necessary evil of a kind, something we should do to make money which then provides for necessities, wishes, desires, status, and whatever else we think is dignified. Work pays for all that. But we pay the price with our dignity by sacrificing our potential and committing ourselves to a mode where we have no real stake or interest in the game. We do whatever is asked of us, and often in a bad moods. It's interesting that we trade one kind of dignity for another kind of dignity. With moods of frustration, powerlessness, and overwhelm, we stop thinking and just execute like workers on the assembly line. In this interpretation, we get trapped in executing processes and procedures. Here you believe that your work is about checking off task lists or operating a certain tool. We become cogs in a wheel. That way of working, can produce some results, as I am sure it already has to a certain extent, but that interpretation of work is limiting and it’s likely keeping you stuck and frustrated.
To break from this pattern and to have a transformation about what is work, the question you have to ask is, for the sake of WHAT are you working. And although this question may seem unproductive at first, it can begin to transform immediately the direction of your work. This is a million dollar question; “what am I doing when I say I am working?”. Let this question, put you in touch with your care and your engagement with your environment.
The nature of human beings is that when we work on something that we deeply care about, our best selves show up. Maybe what you do is exactly the same, but how you do it completely changes. When you are working to take care of something, you can see opportunities that could never be seen by someone who dreads work. No matter what you are doing and where, the question you must ask yourself is, “what am I taking care of with my work?”
An empowering interpretation of your work could be, to help a team that is hurting, to build a tool that would change the way some people do things, to assist a boss or a colleague with a major obstacle, or support a customer who is desperately stuck. This is not a matter of changing semantics but shifting the space from which you operate, no matter your role.
If you look at any major corporate innovation or entrepreneurial adventure, it always starts with someone deeply concerned about some challenge or issue that is blocking some community of people. In moving with care, work reveals new and profound insights, provokes you to ask others for help, and go beyond your normal limits.
For example, Taiichi Ohno, who is well-known today for being the founder of Toyota Production System, was merely a floor manager, when he began to care about the waste and shortage of resources at Toyota in a post-war Japan. That care led Ohno to invent, what is now known as, Lean Manufacturing, which put Toyota well-above their American rivals, AND gave a meteoric rise to his own career. He cared so much about his work, that some years later, at his own expense, Ohno came to the US, visiting several universities and manufacturing plants offering lectures, on how to reduce waste. Americans did not care about listening to him and consequently lost the car market to the Japanese. His inventions within three decades transformed the manufacturing industry worldwide and among others influenced Eric Ries who popularized the idea of Lean Startups. Here I want you to notice that Taiichi Ohno did not start with a brilliant idea, but with a deep care for waste in manufacturing. The brilliant ideas came as he went along.
When you encounter work in the mood of care, your real potential shines through you. Let me tell you, the secret to getting unexpected promotions in enterprises, as well as designing brilliant offers in startups, is to take a stand for something that matters. When you take a stand you begin to move out of your own volition instead of just following orders and normal procedures.
To make this transformation, I invite you to consider that work is not just about following procedures and orders. And consider that work is about making bold assessments and having an opinion and speaking up, and not just speaking up to be validated or to get kudos, but taking a stand for the sake of the company, of the community, and of your people. Work is then about your commitment to take care of something, and mobilizing action with your requests and offers. Work is a social phenomena not a personal phenomena. It is about the care and mobilization of others that are open to receiving your requests and offers. If you want to make a serious breakthrough in your work, then make your work about noticing and take ownership of breakdowns that everyone else is so ready to swipe under the rug.
One important thing to note is that I am not asking you to immediately change jobs or do different work than what you are doing right now. No. What I am asking you is to consider what it is that you have the opportunity to really take care of with your work.
For example, you can have a dentist who cares only about making money, while the other works to take care of people’s dental health. Those two are not the same in their work, and you know which dentist you will want to go to, and who is ultimately going to make good money and be deeply satisfied with their work.
Third Move
Alright, this leads us to the third move that is the transformation of career which is about declaring belonging. Let me say this right up front; no serious career could ever be built without commitment and belonging to some domain of concerns shared by some community of human beings. If you feel stuck or lack clarity about what your career is, and how to expand your career, then it may be that you have made one of the three mistakes. First you may have taken your career to be defined by the series of job titles you have held, or by the degrees and certifications you got. Second, to avoid indignity, you may have chosen the specialist route which might work for a while, but when the underlying grounds start shifting, old specializations quickly become obsolete. Third, in your career you might be keeping all your options open and seeing where the winds or the highest bidders take you. If so, you are at the risk of being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. These three mistakes can trap you into operating in a style of a title chaser, a mercenary, or a dilettante in your career. You would have no belonging and may not even be aware of this tragedy.
People that bring forth profound shifts in our society, do so by making serious commitments, towards those they care about. For example, as mentioned in the last mistake, if you keep on searching for gold, by running from place to place, idea to idea, profession to profession, you run the risk of becoming a dilettante. Dilettantes are like tourists who take lots of mini-vacations in various areas of interest without ever committing and risking their careers to some concern. Uncommitted and uncaring people cannot become innovators. Dilettantes suffer from a great deal of unmanaged and waxing anxiety, about the direction and meaning of their lives.
And mind you, these ways of being, are not your personal failings. For the last two centuries in a rush towards industrialization, nations have invited their people, to disassociate with their work, and keep personal and professional lives separate. This approach was beneficial, when we were working from the logic of the assembly lines, but as the era of work changed, it has caused an epidemic of belonging. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the employee disengagement rates across the board, that have been rising consistently over the last few decades, and only made worse with the emergence of COVID.
To recover from these mistakes, consider that your career is actually not about job titles, degrees, specializations, keeping all options open, and getting the best pay you can, no matter where. Instead, consider, that your career is about making a broader commitment, to belong to some domain of concerns of some human beings, over a long arc of time. But we moderns avoid making commitments. We think commitment is a trap, and not smart.
So, we can begin to recover from this, by first and foremost, belonging to those that we currently work with. But most of us in our careers, live in a hidden mood, that I will do my best work some other time, some place else, with another group of people. Are the people you work with not worthy of your care and attention? Now, as I say this, a little voice might whisper in your ear, “But I don’t want to commit to these people because nothing new is gonna happen here”.
This is a resignation of a kind and your resignation is a signal that you actually care, but just haven’t been able to do something about it. I invite you to confront your resignation and consider adopting your people. And that commitment will reveal new opportunities to you, that you never thought possible before. From there you can begin to expand your belonging, by making a commitment to a broader set of concerns, faced by some larger groups of people. Elon Musk, for example, has declared his concern for the future of the entire human race on the planet. And this space of concern, has given him plenty of room to move with his ambitions, about the future of energy, and living as a multi-planet species.
As an entrepreneur, you could belong to either a local or global community of people, fighting a particular monstrosity of your era. It can deliver you some belonging and a place to stand for work, career, and innovation. In the chasm of your career, it is your belonging that will come to rescue you. Thus belonging is a secret of power.
Let me tell you the story of my client who was a top level security engineer at a major tech company. My client, whom I'll call Dave, to protect his identity, felt his career trapped, and at a dead-end as he felt no energy or motivation there. When we started working together, I devised a way for expanding Dave’s belonging at his workplace, and asked him to do something that was not part of his job. I asked him to frequently review the board meeting minutes and high-level directives by the CEO, and take those seriously. Shortly after, Dave began to see that his work was not just about executing commands from his manager and creating and applying security patches, but it was to actually take care of the privacy and security of the whole enterprise. With that interpretation, he took on a very serious and old security flaw present in the company network which no executive wanted to touch with a 100 foot pole as it impacted a large infrastructure. His direct boss asked him to ignore it. But Dave had already woken up to his belonging, so he doggedly pursued the issue, risked upsetting his manager, and wrote a shocking whitepaper, which was quickly noticed and then addressed by the top leadership. He began to belong not just to the company but to a worldwide community of practitioners and their concerns about network security. Shortly after, Dave was given several back to back promotions as his responsibilities grew, and today he is a globally recognized voice in his domain.
So your belonging is your story about who your people are, what you care about, and the traditions and institutions that you become a member of. Your power essentially expands by expanding your story about your belonging. It is cultivated by bringing to the table what you want for yourself—that is care.
When you do not care about some concern confronted by some people, a void of belonging gets created. You may then attempt to fill this void by chasing money, titles, and comfort, but as soon as you face roadblocks, you cut losses and run, as the project does not appear to be delivering what you wanted. All opportunity to investigate further and deeper is lost in this mood.
In entrepreneurship, commitment to a hidden or obvious concern in some domain, opens possibilities for learning and changing the idea you started with. Without belonging, it would be nearly impossible to land on a profound insight upon which a game-changing enterprise could be built.
If you want a career beyond what you're having right now, you must reimagine it as a commitment to taking care of some concern in a particular domain confronted by some people. To have a profound experience and breakthrough in your career, marry those people and marry their breakdowns.
Fourth Move
Now before we go on to the last and most important transformation, let's quickly recap what we have covered up until now. So far, I have invited you to transform yourself by declaring yourself a new beginner, transform your work by taking a stand, and transform your career by declaring your belonging. Having brought you these three moves we are now ready to dive into the transformation of language, which is about the mobilization of action. To paraphrase Rumi, it is time to unmuffle the drumheads and move into the field of action.
But you might ask, what is action? In our normal everyday common sense it looks like action is about the movement of physical objects like our bodies and other things. But what gets hidden from common sense is that action happens first in language. As a matter of fact, if you have been following this conversation carefully, and making the moves I asked you to make, you have already been in action. How so? When you made a commitment to be a new beginner, to take a stand with your work, and declare your belonging to some concerns and people, you took the most important action towards inventing a new future. You invent a new future with your commitment and by taking your commitment seriously, you make this future real.
So action does not only happen later on. Action happens when we speak and take our speaking seriously. But most of the time, we take language for granted, and believe that we are using language to describe things as they exist. We speak in such a way that makes no difference, because our speaking is all about reporting on facts, and letting people know how we feel about stuff. This way of using language leaves us powerless. We ignore the role of language in which futures are built. This limited use of language doesn't let us go beyond the obvious circumstances, and clearly see the power of language in the invention of our futures.
To continue to live unaware of the power of language is to continue to live in oblivion to power, wealth, satisfaction, and all the abundance life has to offer. The descriptive use of language traps us into circumstances, whereas the generative view of language moves us into the field of action.
Now to help you mobilize action, I am going to introduce you to two generative action verbs that can begin to produce power and results in your world immediately.
The two action verbs are; requests and offers.
What is a request? Request is when you ask someone to do something for you, to take care of something that concerns you. For example, “Can we set up a meeting next week to discuss our project timelines?” is a request where the speaker is concerned about the future of their project.
And by making this request the speaker takes responsibility for their satisfaction, and what they want to happen in their future. But many people get very scared, shy, and awkward about making direct requests, and tend to manage action by giving hints, or making complaints about the state of affairs. When you don’t make direct requests, and just share information like “The project is behind” or “I am short on resources”, you leave the responsibility for taking the right action to the listener. This approach is not reliable as there is a good chance that you will end up with some resentment, for not having the satisfaction you wanted. Consider that by making requests we give others the opportunity to serve us. When we don't make direct requests to others, we make others small. We say to them “you can’t do anything for me, you are not capable.” And by doing that we take no responsibility for our satisfaction. “Would you consider me for a promotion” or “would you fund my project” are examples of requests where you take full responsibility for what you want to happen in your future. Now take a quick inventory of where in your work and life you have some dissatisfaction. Consider taking full responsibility for your satisfaction in the matter, and make a direct request without the attachment, that it must be accepted.
Now let us go to the second action verb, which is an offer. An offer is when you ask someone to take care of something for them that they are concerned about.
For example, “Would you like me to mentor the new team member” is an offer where you take care of your boss’s concern about the readiness and performance of the new team member.
When you offer to help anyone with their concern, you instantly gain some social power. The act of making an offer changes the nature of your relationship with the other person. I’ll tell you what recently happened with one of my clients, Avi Bathula, the former head of AI labs at a major tech company. Avi hired me as his coach, and became quite effective at listening to concerns and making offers. Over time, Avi heard that I wanted to develop an AI based coaching platform, but had little time to spend on it. He offered to advise me in building it and with that offer he completely transformed our relationship, as we became each other's teachers. His offer catalyzed my ambition and gave me a great deal of confidence about my ideas. If you take away something from this example, it is this: The straight up secret to gaining allies, getting promotions, and developing deeply meaningful relationships, is to listen to what is missing in people’s worlds, and make offers.
So to recap - by making offers you accumulate power, and by making requests you mobilize power. But beware that too much concern with personal identity and looking good can block you from making important requests and offers. Often, people avoid making requests and offers until they are hundred percent sure that they will be accepted, as there is usually a hidden resignation that gets in the way. Don’t sweat too much about whether your request or offer is accepted right away or not. What’s more important is that you, begin to take responsibility for your satisfaction with these moves. By making requests and offers, you open the existential dance of negotiation, and start to mobilize action.
When you make a request or an offer to someone, you conditionally commit yourself to a new future, and instantly create possibilities that didn’t exist before. Now it is possible that with the acceptance of your request or offer, a new future will be created.
Upon acceptance, you end up with what we call a commitment. Either you are committed to deliver something to someone, or others are committed to deliver something to you. However, inevitably all manner of things could go wrong in the process. That doesn’t mean you throw the commitment away. If you don't take your commitment seriously, you will have no power at all, and you will get stuck where you are. You can only do what you did yesterday, and what you did yesterday was what you did the day before, so all you can do is to throw yourself at the mercy of circumstances, and let others decide your destiny. If you don't want others to decide your destiny, take your commitments damn seriously. Do the things how they're meant to be done, and when they're meant to be done. And if in spite of your best intentions you cannot fulfill your commitment, as there will always be times when a breakdown will occur, then you deal with it powerfully. Investigate the breakdown, re-offer, re-request, and re-commit.
And that is how you use language to transform dissatisfaction into powerful action. If you navigate your world well by making requests and offers, take your commitments seriously, and deal with breakdowns powerfully, you will have the life of your dreams, and you will manifest a destiny that you would have designed for yourself.
What’s next?
Alright, now that I have shown you exactly what you need to do to break the barriers that are holding you back, and what you might do to redesign your future, you have one of the three choices.
First, you can take what you heard here, and say, “interesting” and keep scrolling through YouTube, and LinkedIn and all of that. You may get a lot of information but without serious commitment and action, none of it will make any difference. You may even get demotivated and give up in trying to go beyond where you are.
Your second choice is to take what you have learned here seriously, and begin to experiment with different moves I showed you. You will definitely see some results, but going at it alone without the guidance of an expert mentor may prove difficult, your progress may be slow, and you might get stuck. If you take this route, I suggest that you revisit these moves as many times as you need and use them to help you stay on track. And when the results show up, drop us a note. My team and I would love to see you be fulfilled in your work and life. Hearing about your wins will be our reward.
Your third choice is that you can come study with us in a unique 1-year adventure that we call The Power Course.
After years of helping people expand their potential, everything that I learned, I have organized into twelves superpowers, that you would learn over 12 months, in live conversations with me online. We start with a three month trial where we assess mutual suitability. It is like an alternative to an MBA or fancy shmancy executive education, except that it actually works.
The four moves that I have shown you earlier, come from The Power Course ,but there is still so much more that I would love to share with you. If you take The Power Course and learn these 12 superpowers, I promise you five results: First you will have clarity in your career, work, and business, and what next steps to take. Second you will find deep meaning and joy in your work by uncovering your calling and designing your path. Third, you will develop emotional fortitude, and learn to conquer burnout, anxiety, and overwhelm. Fourth, you will learn navigational skills for mobilizing action, getting new initiatives off the ground, making allies, and moving upwards. Fifth, you will learn mentoring skills, that will help you in leading and coaching your people towards peak performance.
In addition, if you join The Power Course, I promise you will provoke a new observer of reality that will open so many opportunities to you that you cannot even begin to imagine. And the best part? You won't be alone on this journey. You will have full access to me, and you'll be a part of a community of coaches and like-minded peers.
So, if any of this speaks to you, if you're feeling that spark of connection, I suggest you seriously consider taking The Power Course and schedule an hour of a free strategy call with one of us. At the call we will get to know you a bit, who you are, and what your concerns are. Bring your most important questions and challenges to the table, and I promise you that you will have an important insight about your next steps and what is possibly blocking you. Conversations are completely private. You can also ask questions about any aspects of the course during the call. We will only want you in The Power Course if both you and us are absolutely confident and agree that this is the right program for you. There will be no hard sell. All I ask that you bring to the table is your willingness and your seriousness about designing a new destiny for yourself.
So if you have made it to this point in this conversation, then I really think we should definitely explore as we might be the right people for each other. So as a next step, grab your free coaching session with one of us.
And before we close, remember you have one life and you have the responsibility to make the most from it. Don’t forget about the four master moves I have taught you here. To design a new destiny for yourself, become a new beginner, take a stand with your work, declare your belonging, and mobilize action. Decline any invitations to stay small and stay trapped in situations. Let your stand, your belonging, and your commitment give you real freedom and design you as a conceiver of new reality. It is with a serious commitment to learning and action that you will unfold your full potential. Okay that is all. It has been a pleasure and I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you.
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