Hi, I Am Saqib Rasool
I am a human potential researcher.
My mission is to mobilize human potential towards building better futures. I believe that futures are built at work.
I help leaders, teams, and enterprises experience unprecedented growth, joy, and transformation by learning skills and sensibilities required in the new dynamic era.
Want to experience an expansion of your power & clarity at work?
Consider joining me in The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) and bringing it to your team.
Remarkable demonstrated upgrade in performance, engagement, and results in leaders, executive management, and high caliber individuals in over 20 VC backed startups.
Saqib Rasool
Inventor. Author. Mentor.
I admire innovators—people with an entrepreneurial streak, fearless leaders that envision their problems as opportunities and have a sense of urgency to do something about them. Those are my people.
I love fighting alongside an underdog.
My aim is to unfold the potential of human beings in encountering the massive shifts and changes happening in our era and help invent new ways of earning a livelihood and rebuilding our society.
My deepest passion is to help entrepreneurs, changemakers, and leaders realize their full potential by learning skills and sensibilities for navigating life and building better worlds.
To this purpose, I declare myself available as a coach and mentor to all changemakers — entrepreneurs, startup founders, corporate workers, executives, engineers, artists, and anyone else who wants to deal with serious breakdowns and maximize the potential of their professional and personal lives. How I came to do this work is a very interesting story.
Growing up in Pakistan, I took a keen interest in computer hardware design and participated in robotics competitions and student politics at a young age. I became terribly interested in learning how the world worked, how power moved, and what role computers may play in it. It was the early days, but I had a sense that computers were going to be important to our future.
Pursuing my instincts, at 20, I saw my father for the last time at Lahore airport and left for the US. I landed in Oklahoma City, learned to speak English, went from state to state studying at various schools, and eventually graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Minnesota State University at Mankato while interning at IBM in Rochester.
Six months before I graduated, Microsoft hired me as a software engineer. Within three years, I was trusted to manage important accounts and projects in education, healthcare, and financial verticals. My last job at Microsoft was to oversee the legal compliance of an over $1 billion product line. However, more repeatedly, I began to feel an invisible glass ceiling, and no matter what I did, I could not break it. I wanted to experience a greater expression of myself and contribute to society directly with my work.
After seven+ years at Microsoft, I left to found my own company and set on a wild journey. I became obsessed with the process of building new realities with technological inventions.
Over the next seven years, I co-founded an eco-friendly real estate investment firm (SY Ventures), a digital payment systems company (Metafos), a college campus classifieds network (inCampus), and then opened a startup accelerator (Conceivian) to help bring good ideas to life. I enjoyed many successes and endured many failures. I was brave, and I was naive, and I made mistakes.
I found entrepreneurship to be a very daring, very risky, but very rewarding way of life. Later, working closely with so many other entrepreneurs at Conceivian, I developed a deep affinity and a radical hope that our world would be changed by such people who commit themselves to learning and excelling.
While helping hundreds of entrepreneurs build their identities and businesses, I became obsessed with the inquiry of what makes human beings successful or failures and what skills and abilities may be required for action and results.
In 2013, I closed Conceivian with an ambition to reopen later and vigorously researched and pursued the question of “what contributes to people’s successes and failures.” I investigated philosophical studies in human potential, teamwork, innovation, entrepreneurship, and power.
Over the next seven years, I burned the proverbial midnight oil on hundreds of books by critically acclaimed authors on the said topics. I pursued masters and learned skills for coaching and provoking excellence in myself and others. I was fortunate enough to meet several leading American philosophers and business thinkers and studied with them.
The three most important people behind my work are Dr. Fernando Flores, Chauncey Bell, and Dr. James McManis. They helped me see the messes and wastes that destroy lives and careers and cripple our enterprises. I learned about the power of language and that all corporate success comes from the team’s ability to invent a new future in conversations with each other.
Early successes, such as a 1) $10 million project turnaround at Microsoft IT, 2) regrowth of team and revenue (to $40M) in a troubled business unit at Beyondsoft, 3) and the launch of innovative blockchain technology in less than three months at ZenLedger.
In my continued work with leaders and entrepreneurs, I have developed frameworks for thinking, taking action, designing and managing coordination, and dealing with major breakdowns as they occur. I have had a breakthrough insight that the skills that differentiate winners and losers could be taught. And that our work can be a source of great joy and power, and not misery and frustration.
Over time my work shifted from developing technology innovations to battling the most difficult challenges in our enterprises and enabling courageous entrepreneurial action. My deepest passion is to help gritty entrepreneurs and leaders navigate change and develop the skills and sensibilities necessary for undertaking important missions of building better worlds.
Today, I help leaders experience unprecedented growth by learning skills and sensibilities for provoking excellence in themselves their teams, and their enterprises.
It’s Up To You!
You are either at the effect of transformation or you are a source of transformation. It's up to you.
Are you Losing or Gaining Power?
“Power is the ability to make something happen that wouldn’t otherwise,” said Micheal Mann.
The phenomenon of power concerns us as human beings as it allows us to participate in the play of our existence and enables us in taking care of ourselves and our communities. Like water is to fish, power is to human beings—invisible, all-pervasive, and encompassing all happenings.
The history of power is the history of language. Power exists as a historical drift—a narrative created, reified, and preserved in traditions, bylaws, founding documents, and various linguistic constructions. With the declarative powers of language, institutions are spoken into reality, where power becomes institutionalized, concentrated, and mobilized. Institutions then develop a network of linguistic distinctions such as declarations of generational alliances, codes of conduct, and commitments of interdependence and co-existence with other institutions. Institutional power is birthed and killed in language.
Would you like to explore what it means for you personally and your organization?
New Era, New Habits
Our success in life in the New Era depends on our resilient habits and new networks of trust. For any entrepreneur, the program of building a powerful enterprise must begin with a program of building a powerful self.